This Business of Horses
Welcome to This Business of Horses, the podcast that brings you insights, inspiration, motivation and solutions to maintain, sustain and grow your facilities led equestrian business. In each episode we will be talking to and getting to know the personalities, brands, product and service providers who are well placed to facilitate and fulfill not only your short term daily business requirements, but also your longer term business goals.
This Business of Horses
Getting to know...RH Equine Promotions
The Equestrian Index
Season 1
Episode 3
Episode summary introduction: In this episode we talk to Rhiannon Harradine, owner of RH Equine Promotions about how and why she chose to work in the equine sector, the benefits of hiring a marketing company, why equine businesses should choose equine marketing specialists and what to look for when hiring a company, common questions on social media and what to do if you feel you can’t afford to bring in a marketing specialist. Oh, and Purple Horse Planners…
Topics discussed in this episode:
- What led Rhiannon to specialise in the equestrian sector [01:30]
- How businesses benefit from hiring a marketing company [02:21]
- Why hire an equestrian specialist over a main stream firm [03:52]
- What am I getting for my money when hiring a marketing company [05:31]
- Which social media platforms should I be using [08:58]
- The most commonly asked question on SEO [14:11]
- What to look for when hiring a marketing company [16:43]
- What if I can’t afford to hire a marketing company [19:44]
- Free Consultation [26:15]
Resources mentioned in this episode [26:50]:
- Visit RH Equine Promotions website at rhequinepromotions.co.uk
- Email Rhiannon on info@rhpromotions.co.uk
Now over to you!
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