This Business of Horses
Welcome to This Business of Horses, the podcast that brings you insights, inspiration, motivation and solutions to maintain, sustain and grow your facilities led equestrian business. In each episode we will be talking to and getting to know the personalities, brands, product and service providers who are well placed to facilitate and fulfill not only your short term daily business requirements, but also your longer term business goals.
This Business of Horses
Getting to know...The Equestrian Planning Consultancy
The Equestrian Index
Season 2
Episode 1
Episode summary introduction: In this episode we chat to Eleni Randle, Founder of Eldnar Consultancy and its latest arm The Equestrian Planning Consultancy about all things planning, her journey so far, accolades and awards, buying land and how much to pay for a potential site, planning permissions and pitfalls, fees, refusals, appeals and everything in between. Oh, and we learn who Loopy is and the important role they played in shaping Eleni’s tenacity…
Topics discussed in this episode:
- The journey to setting up Eldnar and The Equestrian Planning Consultancy [01:24]
- Professional recognition to date [05:11]
- Who is Loopy? [07:35]
- How to know if you might get permission for horses and facilities on land [09:20]
- How to use and know if existing buildings have appropriate permissions [12:38]
- What to pay for a potential site [14:58]
- How most land is typically sold and the help available in the process [17:34]
- What equestrian facilities need planning permission [19:46]
- Horses are not classed as Agriculture [21:25]
- Can you build a dwelling to live on site with your horses? [24:19]
- What to submit when applying for planning permission and timing on decisions [25:55]
- What the Council takes into account when considering a planning application [31:25]
- Typical planning fees and how they are calculated [33:29]
- What you can do if your planning is refused and the appeals process [37:28]
- Options if facilities have already been built and an enforcement officer visits [41:27]
- The sort of equestrian applications Eldnar Consultancy has worked on to date [44:29]
Resources for this episode:
- Visit the Eldnar Consultancy website at www.eldnarconsultancy.co.uk [48:10]
- Visit The Equestrian Planning Consultancy website www.equestrianplanningco.co.uk [48:20]
- Visit the team on Stand G61 at The National Equine Show, 4-5 March at the NEC [48:54]
Now over to you!
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