This Business of Horses
Welcome to This Business of Horses, the podcast that brings you insights, inspiration, motivation and solutions to maintain, sustain and grow your facilities led equestrian business. In each episode we will be talking to and getting to know the personalities, brands, product and service providers who are well placed to facilitate and fulfill not only your short term daily business requirements, but also your longer term business goals.
This Business of Horses
Getting to know...Equi-Scotia CIC
The Equestrian Index
Season 2
Episode 2
Episode summary introduction: In this episode we chat to Julie-Anne Griffith, co-founder of Equi-Scotia CIC about her journey to Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL), who can benefit from EFL, how EFL differs from more ‘traditional’ activities with horses, the difference between learning and therapy with horses, how EFL can contribute to a horse’s quality of life, business models and EFL and the future plans for Equi-Scotia…
Topics discussed in this episode:
- The journey to setting up Equi-Scotia [01:45]
- Why Equine Facilitated Learning [0:30]
- What EFL is and who can benefit from it [08:43]
- The types and range of people who have engaged with Equi-Scotia [10:48]
- How EFL differs from more traditional activities with horses [13:52]
- How EFL can contribute to a horse’s quality of life [16:57]
- Business models/commercial opportunities and EFL [21:44]
- The difference between learning and therapy with horses [24:23]
- How people can train for this field of work [34:38]
- Future plans for Equi-Scotia [42:20]
Resources for this episode:
- Visit the Equi-Scotia CIC website at www.equi-scotia.com
- Visit the HETI website www.hetifederation.org
- The Five Domains of Animal Welfare www.redwings.org.uk
- What is Social Licence to Operate www.worldhorsewelfare.org
Now over to you!
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